Columbia Falls Swim Team
Swim for Kimberly
The news that our very own Kimberly Peacock had been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia sent shock waves throughout our team. Kimberly and her family have been part of the Columbia Falls Swim Team for years. She's been an encouraging and inspirational member of our team. She is a tough competitor and always brings a positive attitude to practice.
As a team, we would like to help support Kimberly and her family as she receives treatment. We are currently selling 'Swim for Kimberly' wristbands to benefit and support Kimberly. Direct donations can be given online here: Kimberly Peacock's Cancer Curesaders.
Please note: While CFST is sponsoring this fundraiser to benefit the Peacock family, these donations are not considered tax deductible under our 501(c)3 status.